Python Print Variable

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Python print statement in various ways to output variables and strings.


If you are using Python 3.* the print statement must contain parentheses. Let's try a basic example of printing a variable.


var_1 = 'hello.'



For Python 2.* and below, print statements can be written without parentheses like this:


print var_1


You can choose whether to use parenthesis in Python 2, but in Python 3 you will get a SyntaxError without parentheses.


Multiple Variables in One Print Statement

To print multiple variables in one print() statement, concatenate them with , (commas) like this:


var_1 = 'hello. '
var_2 = 'goodbye.'

print(var_1, var_2)
hello.  goodbye.


To print variables anywhere inside a string, use Python f-strings. Formatted string literals are a new feature of Python 3 and make it much easier to add variables inside strings.


To start a new f-string, use f''. Within the single quotation marks, you can add variables inside {} (curly braces).


var_1 = 'a'
var_2 = 'b'

print(f'First data: {var_1} \nSecond Data: {var_2}')
First data: a
Second Data: b