How to use the Python reversed() Function

The reversed() function in Python takes a sequence and reverses its order. The first element will become the last, the second becomes the second to last .etc.


reversed() Syntax

The reversed() function accepts one argument; the sequence to reverse, which could be a string, list, tuple .etc.




Reverse a String in Python

Let's demonstrate how this function works by reversing a string.


string = 'hello'

result = reversed(string)

<reversed object at 0x7fd5bf654250>


Just using the reversed() function on its own, we get a reversed object back. To get a string back, we also need to use Python .join() function like this:


string = 'hello'

result = ''.join(reversed(string))



Notereversed() does not modify the original sequence.


Reverse a List in Python

Here is another example, this time reversing the order of a list. To convert the reversed object back to a list, we will use the Python list() function.


items = ['orange', 'apple', 'strawberry']

result = list(reversed(items))

['strawberry', 'apple', 'orange']