How to use Not Equal in Python

A not equal expression in Python will return True if the two values supplied are not the same and False if they are. In Python, the not equal operator is != (exclamation followed by equal character) and is placed between the two values to evaluate.


Let's look at some examples to demonstrate how this works.


Assign Not Equal Result to a Variable

In the example below, we will assign the result from a not equal expression to a variable.


result = 1 != 0



The two values are not equal so the result is True.


Not Equal to in an if Statement

Here is another example using a not equal expression inside an if-else statement:


if 1 != 0:


Not Equal with Ternary Operator

Here is another example demonstrating the use of != within a Python ternary expression:


result = 'No match' if 1 != 0 else 'Match'

No match